Dan Tramte (b. 1985) uses video, gaming, and web technologies to build creative musical artifacts for live performance, playable experiences, and web-consumption. His music is meme-like, and his miming video-scores resemble Just Dance! routines; likewise, his video games and web-apps invite users to interact and make musical decisions. Tramte's work is ultimately inspired by the daily experience of consuming short duration looping videos on mobile social media (vine, instagram, snapchat, tiktok, etc), and the content of his work is indeed sprinkled with emojis 😎
Founder of Score Follower (YouTube channels, Score Follower, Incipitsify, and Mediated Scores), Tramte is also responsible for the most widely used legal new music audio+score resources on the net. Tramte currently teaches Video Game Music & Anime at Rochester Institute of Technology and Music Technology at SUNY Geneseo, having previously taught courses at Virginia Tech and Harvard University. He earned his PhD in computer music media from the University of North Texas.